Mar 19, 2020

Time to Change it UP - Painting and Drawing Tips

As the World teeters from one Disastrous News Bite to another, it is Discombobulating.  There is a loss of HOPE. I'm feeling that way, you probably are too.  I nearly didn't post this week because of it.  But

I am Not. Ready. To give up. . . . 

We are all entering a life of self quarantine. I think, we are needing to learn new things more than ever.  So . . . .  here goes. . .

pencil drawing of a 2 bald eagles on a sand bar watching a 3rd eagle eat a fish
BALD EAGLE: SALMON ARE HERE WIP- Graphite 12 x 16 - Eagles feasting on the dead salmon is a common sight along the Fraser River in the fall when the Salmon Run starts.  Not all eagles want to share their food!!

As many of you know I love to golf.  I run a Tuesday night golf group and we golf every Tuesday night at the same course.  Have for many years.

Boring . . .  You might think. . . But no.

Golfing at the same course gives you a sense of calmness.  You know the course, you know the obstacles, you can focus on your shots.  When I play a hole well, I can compare my performance to previous scores.  I can measure my improvements.  Really golf is about playing yourself.  Comparing yourself to your performance, not others.

pencil drawing of a short-eared owl perched on an old fence post
SHORT-EARED OWL: ON THE PROWL- Matted 20 x 16 Graphite $500.  Loving this new long narrow vertical format, turns out most of my work has been horizontal. 

Very much like your art work. . .

You draw/paint the same kinds of things.  Comfortable. Comforting.  Relaxing.  You can focus on improving your technique.  Knowing exactly where you are going.  And you do improve.  Slowly.

NOW you have time, so now it is time to Change It UP. . .

I golf other days but always on other courses.  The first time on a new course is always a major learning curve.  The hazards are different.  The greens a challenge.  The score is high.  But after a few rounds things change.  I start using different clubs.  Hitting different kinds of shots.  Approach the course in a new way.

Changing it UP can bring new changes to you. . .

When I return to my regular course I try these new things. My play changes and I definitely see a change in my score.

Taking those new techniques back to your 'usual work' will bring a difference to you as well. Your approach will be different. Your focus changed.  Growth will result.

painting of a robin in a fantasy garden of flowers and shapes
ROBIN: ON HIS OWN - 5 x 7 Vanished Watercolour - $160 - This mix of Abstract with Realism inspire me to launch into a mini series.  Read more . . .

Does Changing It UP . . . mean getting a whole new box?

No.  Try just jumping in and out of the box. . . .

Change can be using a new colour.  Trying a new Perspective.  Zooming in or Zooming out.  Trying a different size.  Different shape.  New subject.  Mixing your Medium.  Mixing Abstract with your Realism or Realism with your Abstract.

painting of a hollyhocks bush in bloom with a hummingbird
HUMMING IN THE HOLLYHOCKS -  Matted 20 x 16 - tried hiding my bird inside the painting rather than making it the subject.  

You decide how big a Change Up to make. . .

My picture at the beginning of the post, Bald Eagles: The Salmon Are Here is a different view point for me - worms eye view.  It came about as I got my reference pictures laying on the sand behind a log. (I took many shots of this eagle and used different views to construct my picture.)

I find I like the idea of looking over the eagle's shoulder to see the other eagle feasting on the dead fish.  Several eagles gathering and fighting over their bounty is a common sight when the Salmon are running.

Have to get back to work, my Eagles aren't finished yet.

Further Reading:
The Trail: From Inspiration to Creation - focus on your goals and recognize Your Trail
Watercolour Surprises Many - looks at a new way to present your work
Catching the Light - Out Door Sketching - heading outdoors to sketch and using new medium (pen and ink with coloured pencils)

There is something you can do . . .
I am thrilled to be named a Finalist for the YWCA Women of Distinction for Arts, Culture and Design for my volunteer work.  Although there is no public voting for these awards there is one part of the event that is a People's Choice Award. 
It is the Connecting the Community Award.  (🡨link) 

It's purpose is to create awareness for the YWCA Community Programs.  This award is by People's Choice.  So follow the link and vote for me and my choice "Reducing Child Poverty".  Vote as many times as you like, results tallied in early May 2020.  Thanks for your support.

When Life settles down: 

Art by Wendy Studio/Gallery is always Open

Looking to move your Drawing Skills to the Next Level?

Book a 3 Pack of Private Lessons with Me - 3 Lessons 2.5 hr each $225
Drawing/Painting lessons in graphite, ink, watercolour, watercolour pencils or coloured pencils Or any combination of these.
Flexible Schedule, at my Studio/Gallery, N. Surrey. 

Gift Certificates Available 

Be sure to like and share my posts to keep me coming into your box, 
You won't miss a single post if you Follow by Email or Like my Facebook Page.
Have a great Artful Day,


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