Aug 6, 2020

Have you ever got trapped in the web of PERFECTION?! - Painting & Drawing Tips

As many of you know I like to golf.  Golfing is all about hand-eye coordination.  Planning and Executing.  Visualizing and follow through.  

Very much like the Creative Process.

Sketchbooking Activity: Sunflowers in the Field
Sketchbooking Activity: Sunflowers in the Field

In the world of Golf - You need Perfection, but it can also destroy your game.  

Very much like the Creative Process.

Last week I missed 3 putts for par by 4 inches or less: 1/2 inch. 3 inches. 4 inches.  So what, you say, it happens all the time in putting.  Yes, it does.  But the trouble with those misses is they were TOO short.  Those putts were never going in, they were not strong enough to reach the hole.  A good putt goes in or pass the hole by 7 -12 inches at most.  Those putts have a chance but one that is short is never going in.  

Trying for Perfection can leave you short. . . .

In the spring I joined Karen Abend  Sketchbook Revival 2020, (see post "Catch the Sketchbook Habbit" for more info on this)  One of the activities demoed by Noah Scalin  really struck me as a good way to fight Perfection.  Don't get me wrong, fighting with Perfection is not an easy thing.  This is a challenging activity but at the same time it reminds me of the importance of 'seeing the whole picture' rather than 'one spot'.  

Working on a project brings in a wide range of emotions: joy, triumph, happiness, exhilaration, glee.  But also: frustration, disappointment, distress, sadness, chagrin.    Add the need for perfection and of course Mr. Inner Critic.  Gee, why do we even Create?  (See Post: Turn Your Inner Critic into your BFF for more on Mr. Critic) 

But you love to create so that web of Perfection is always trying to capture you. . .

So I give you a "Perfection Fighter Activity" guaranteed to drive you crazy as you work but give you a few "Aha Moments" when you're done.  

Step 1: Sketchbooking Activity: Sunflowers in the Field
Step 1: Sketchbooking Activity: Sunflowers in the Field - Making 100 Dots


**This project can be viewed on video as "Moving Away from Perfection"   with Wendy Mould

1.  Take a clean page in your sketchbook and make 100 dots randomly spaced all over the page.  Since I was using coloured paper, I decided to make white dots.  (You do not have to work in pen for this project, being a pen artist, I like to just jump in with pen.)

Step 2: Sketchbooking Activity: Sunflowers in the Field
Step 2: Sketchbooking Activity: Sunflowers in the Field - pick your subject 

2.  Pick a subject (something real or fantasy) to draw, something that has some shapes and lines to work with. I chose to draw a sunflower and since my paper was buff, I used a sepia pen.  

Step 3: Sketchbooking Activity: Sunflowers in the Field
Step 3: Sketchbooking Activity: Sunflowers in the Field - start connecting your dots

3.  Draw your subject by moving from dot to dot. Yes, things are going to get a bit wonky.  There wont be dots where you want them but keep going.  As you can see my petals and flower center are looking pretty wonky.  

Step 4: Sketchbooking Activity: Sunflowers in the Field
Step 4: Sketchbooking Activity: Sunflowers in the Field - stay with it and finish your drawing

4.  This is the hard part.  Stay with it.  Don't let the kinkiness stop you. I finished my drawing and then decided to add colour with coloured pencils.

Step 5: Sketchbooking Activity: Sunflowers in the Field
Step 5: Sketchbooking Activity: Sunflowers in the Field - Finish it with a flare

5. Finish up with a flare.  'What do you like?"  "What is really working?"  I really like the wonkiness of my sunflower.  The leaves and stem really add to that.  I was pleased with the results.  I feel those weird looking petals at the beginning all fit into the total drawing quite well.  

Step 6: Sketchbooking Activity: Sunflowers in the Field
Step 6: Sketchbooking Activity: Sunflowers in the Field - Extending the drawing 

6.  All projects lead to new ideas.  I liked how my leaf was heading over to the other page so I decided to extend the drawing to the other side.  

Step 7: Sketchbooking Activity: Sunflowers in the Field
Step 7: Sketchbooking Activity: Sunflowers in the Field - Colouring the new section

7. Finished  Sunflowers in the Field.  The finished picture is at the top of the post but shown here is the work in progress.  

Final Thoughts: What do you like? What is really working?  I discovered that I am a crisp white paper artist.  I really like how my colours glow on the white paper as apposed to the buff. I love particularly the smallest sunflower, it has a liveliness I couldn't have got just by drawing from the reference.  

Overall, I think it helps me to not dwell on individual marks but hold my comments and look at the picture as a whole.  Also, reminds me to keep going, leave my judgement til the end and just accept the challenge and roll with it.  

**This project can be viewed on video as "Moving Away from Perfection"  with Wendy Mould

Bunny from 100 Dots with Noah Scalin  - Sepia Pen and coloured pencils
Bunny from 100 Dots with Noah Scalin  - Sepia Pen and coloured pencils

My Bunny from 100 Dots is another example of working with these dots.  I started with his head and then his eyes.  The eyes looked so wonky I wanted to quit.  However, once darks and lights were put in I was very pleased with my guy.  

Have fun with this activity and I hope it inspires you to climb out of that Web of PERFECTION.  

Outdoor Sketching Classes !! 

Ready to go out and do some sketching?  Have fun painting and sketching while learning new tips and techniques. Capture a moment in time without worrying about the World and the crazy problems of today.  Come Join me for a session or two.  Beginner to Advanced are welcome.

Class Size: max. 3.   Rescheduling for Bad weather.  Covid  Rules and Social Distancing will be followed.  
Sessions 2.5 hours, in local North Surrey Parks, Tuesdays 10-12:30 or Special Times to be set up for groups of 2 or 3.  
Cost: $45  

August Dates: Tuesday August 4. 11, 18, 25:  Time:  10-12:30:pm

Save a Spot Now. Contact Wendy    More information: 

 Do you have big/small projects on the go?  
Looking for a sounding board, help, suggestions, techniques. You and your Inner Critic looking to expand your discussions.  I am available for Online Coaching/Teaching  (3 sessions 30 minutes each $75). more info here.   
Many find this post helpful: Turn your Inner Critic into your BFF
Be sure to like and share my posts.  You won't miss a single post if you Follow by Email  
Have a great Artful Day,


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