Nov 1, 2018

The Salmon are Here!! - Painting and Drawing Tips

Salmon Here?? - Painting and Drawing Tips??
What on earth is she talking about?

No, I haven't lost it but . . .

Even though you want to paint, even though it is raining out, you can't spend all your time in the STUDIO.  There is nothing like getting OUT THERE and really experiencing what you paint. 

This is what it is all about - a spawning coho

For me, it is the Salmon. . .
We have had an exceptionally dry summer and fall. Well, actually days and days of fabulously warm, sunny crisp days.  It has been awesome.  But not for everyone.  Well, not for the salmon and probably not for a lot of other things in Nature.   No rain has meant no water in the smaller rivers feeding into the Fraser Delta. This means fish are pooling at the mouth of these areas waiting to come up and spawn.

Higher water, means fish coming up the river - my best shot so far of a jumping salmon

Finally the rains have started . . .
The fish are moving.  It is so amazing to see these big fish come up the river.  Here at Tynehead Park we are fortunate in 2 ways.  We have a  Chinook, Coho and Chum salmon coming up our local river.  And we are fortunate to have a strong group of volunteers that support the Fish Hatchery based there.

Fish caught in the trip - some will be kept for eggs and the rest counted and put back into the river to spawn

The work begins . . .
It is not as easy as it sounds.  The rain comes and then it is a waiting game for the salmon to decide to move up river.  The rain stops, water levels drop, they move down again.  This has been happening for the last week.  I was lucky to arrive just when a small group wondered up.

Fish are netted from the trap 
After they netted and identified this Chinook, I was able to get a feel. 

It was really exciting to hold this big fish
Don't get me wrong.  I have been fishing many times and netted a nice salmon.  But this was different.  I needed to hold on and Not let her get hurt. 

Oooops! Harder than you think to hold a powerful, wiggling fish
This female Chinook was headed for the holding pens.  Her eggs aren't ready yet, probably 2-3 more weeks they tell me.

Putting her into the holding area until she can be placed with others in the holding tanks

Working at the Hatchery isn't all sunny days. . . 
I have been down there checking nearly every day this past week.  Seems like the biggest groups of fish come when it is very early in the morning and pouring rain.  The hatchery needs to get a certain number of male and female Chinook, Coho and Chum. As I said, things are late this year and suddenly fish are coming fast and furious.  

Counting and Sorting Fish - they have all the Coho now so this one goes back into the river.
With all my trips to the hatcery this week I have truly appreciated the amazing volunteers that are working there.  They are there early in the morning, (frankly, 5:30 am is not morning to me) and all through the day.  They answer all my questions, that I know they have been hearing from others all day, with a cheerful smile. And talk about what is still to come.  More rain til next week and they still have Chum Salmon to see to.  A BIG THANK YOU  to all the guys and girls that volunteer to keep the salmon coming back to our rivers. 

I will be back as well. . 
I am still chasing my elusive picture of a salmon jumping right out of the water.  I saw many yesterday but no matter how fast I click, I seem to miss it.  Hopefully I can catch some Chum jumping on the weekend.  Regardless, I do have a few great shots of salmon that I will work with this winter.

Special Note: 

With the salmon also comes the Bald Eagles.  The Harrison Mills area with the Chehalis Flats is a huge collection area for the Eagles and the dying salmon.The Eagle Festival is happening there, Nov 17 & 18 with tours, boat rides, and lots of information.

EAGLE: SOFT LANDING - 7 X 5 - Ink & Watercolour - $130 on Etsy soon every rock and tree at the mouth of the Harrison River will be a sentry point for the Bald Eagles.  

   If you can't make the Festival, the eagles will be there in high concentration for at least 3-4 weeks. So be sure and check it out.  While your in the neighbourhood, stop by Kilby for souvenirs (Art by Wendy ones, of course) and snacks.  They will be open the Nov 17/18 weekend and Dec 8/9.  

EAGLE COMING DOWN - 4 x 3 - Ink & Watercolour - $105 Contact Wendy Seeing all the eagles in the trees lining the Nicomen Slough, Harrison Mills is an amazing sight.  

In the meantime, I will get back to my Studio this week.  Several things on the go: Finish my painting of a Whisky Jack and of course complete my promised post on Creating Texture in Graphite - See you next week.

Opportunities Coming Up: 

1. Heart to Home Art  Show & Sale, Saturday & Sunday, Nov 17 & 18,
Surrey Art Center, Bear Creek Park, 13750 88 Ave, Surrey
Looking Forward to seeing you there. Guaranteed to find that perfect One-of-a-Kind Gift - Handmade Arts and Crafts from 30+ local Artists. Free Admission, 

2.  Paints'n Bloom Workshops & Art Show & Sale in Support of the Alzheimer's Society of BC
Gardenworks at Mandeville Gardens, 4746 Marine Dr, Burnaby

Show Days: Thursday, Nov 22-Saturday, Nov 24Workshop Day: Tuesday,  Nov 20
10-12pm - Beginner Watercolour Class
1-3pm Christmas Card Making Class
$40 ea. All supplies incl. Beginner to Advanced Welcome
Registration Happening Now Contact Wendy 

Artists reading this post also find the following valuable:
3 Ways to Turn Drawing Despair into Action here
Drawing a Seagull Part 1 and Part 2 Starting here
Using Edges to Make Soft and Fluffy Birds & Animals Part 1 and Part 2 Starting here 

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Have a great Artful Day,


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