Jul 2, 2020

Take Your Art Making Outdoors - Painting & Drawing Tips

Do you hike up a trail, pause at the spectacular view, take a photo and walk on? 
Does it feel there is something missing from that moment?  Somehow, you want to feel more, taste more, capture more.  

That's how I feel. . . 

Outdoor Sketching Class - June 27: I love to capture mini environments. A baby Barred Owl watched us as we painted by this little stream.   

I take my photo but it doesn't always give me that sense of fulfillment.  I feel not ready to move on but don't  know what else to do.  

That was before I started Outdoor Sketching.

Wendy sketching in the Roman Forum
It was exciting to just stop and spend a bit of time sketching in the Roman Forum. I knew this was my one chance to capture this memory.  

Now, when I wonder about and reach a spot that is special, I sketch it.  Capturing that moment doesn't have to be exotic, like this scene from my trip to Italy.  It can be a moment that is special.  

Rocks on Erickson Beach, Texada Island
Rocks on Erickson Beach, Texada Island. - 5 x 7, ink & watercolour. SOLD

I loved this little sketch from Erickson Beach.  I really like the movement of colour in my rocks and the line work echoing and flowing in the sky. 

But not only that. . . .

I remember the other artists that were with me.  It was a beautiful sunny day by water and 5 island artists joined me for a Paint Out.  I loved painting, talking, sharing stories and ideas.  Also, there was a heron that hung out with us for hours and I got some awesome shots of him.  An eagle swooped down on the water to fish, seals were bobbing up and down.  So many memories with that painting.  

Memories aren't made with a quick photo and moving on . . . 

MORNING CALM, Texada Island.  - 4 x 4 - Watercolour - SOLD - The view from our campsite early in the morning before the sun was high and hot. We watched a mother seal teach her baby to swim as they went back and forth across the bay.

Capturing a fragment of the moment brings back so many memories.  Sitting for an hour or two to sketch or paint means you see things you would have missed with just a quick visit.  

But to Capture the Moment you must be ready. . .

When time is of the essences, it helps to be prepared. Many years ago I was canoeing with a group of 12 on a 10 day trip.  I learned early on that if I wanted some time to sketch I had to 'get to it'.  No looking through bags and packs for my paints and brushes. Just grab. Open. And paint.  

Since that trip I have tried several combinations for my travel kit.  Each one a little smaller than the last. I am really not sure there is a perfect kit but the one I have now is 2 years old and seems to be still working.  My post:  My Really Smallmendous Art Kit. will tell you all about it.   I have tried several mediums but have finally settled on ink, graphite and watercolour.  These are all found in my kit.  Have a look.  It may help you in putting yours together.  

Since I paint a lot on the go I am often writing about it.  Here are some other posts that others have found helpful in organizing their materials: 

Travel Kit Saves the Day - looks at different types of small travel kits for painting and sketching
What does a Plein Air Trip Look Like - how to plan for a lengthy trip which will involve lots of Plein Air Painting.
What does a Plein Air Trip Really Look Like - how to enjoy outdoor sketching and painting on a trip when you travel companion doesn't paint.  

Good luck with your Outdoor Sketching this summer.  You are welcome to join me for a few outings.  I will be taking small classes out each Tuesday, starting July 28, 2020.

 Do you have big/small projects on the go?  
Looking for a sounding board, help, suggestions, techniques. You and your Inner Critic looking to expand your discussions.  I am available for Online Coaching/Teaching  (3 sessions 30 minutes each $75). more info here.   
Many find this post helpful: Turn your Inner Critic into your BFF

If you are looking for Live Outdoor Sketching Classes they are now underway.  See info below.  Contact me to set something up. 

Outdoor Sketching Classes !! 

Ready to go out and do some sketching?  Have fun painting and sketching while learning new tips and techniques. Capture a moment in time without worrying about the World and the crazy problems of today.  Come Join me for a session or two.  

Class Size: 3  Rescheduling for Bad weather.  Covid  Rules and Social Distancing will be followed.  
Sessions 2.5 hours, in local North Surrey Parks, Tuesdays 10-12:30 or Saturdays 10-12:30.  
Cost: $45  

July Dates: Tuesday, July 28, 10-12:30pm

August Dates: Tuesday August 4. 11, 18, 25: 10-12:30:pm

Save a Spot Now. Contact Wendy    More information: artbywendy.com 
Be sure to like and share my posts.  You won't miss a single post if you Follow by Email 
Have a great Artful Day,


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