May 24, 2024

5 Ways to Make your Travel Sketchbook Sparkle

Yes, your Travel Sketchbook can Sparkle.  It can be your best souvenir!!

Check Out my Latest Sketchbook!!!

I just returned from a trip to Italy and Portugal, and yes, I worked in my Travel Sketchbook the whole trip.  It has gone from being an empty book to a wonderful resource. It is full of pictures, memories of  people and places that became dear to me, and thoughts of the moment.   

As many of you know, nature sketching is my thing, but really, can yo go to Italy and Cinque Terra and not sketch?!  For part of my time in Italy, I worked with Karen Stamper on an Art Tour.  It was really great to take some of her ideas and incorporate them into my own sketchbook practice. 

And So here are my -
5 Ways to Make your Travel Sketchbook Sparkle

Special Note: View my complete Italy sketchbook on YouTube HERE.  Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel to catch the Flip-Through of my Portugal Sketchbook.  It will be up there soon.  

1. Try a different sketchbook 'Shape": Karen likes to use Concertina Sketchbooks.  I decided to give it a try.  I took both a small one 3.5 by 7 inches and at the last minute decided to take the larger one as well, 6 x 8.5   .  I found the different shape and format to be a real inspiration.  I was constantly looking for things to 'put into' my book. The paper was great for drawing on, collaging, and using my watercolours.   
Journaling, Watercolours and Collaging worked well on the paper

2. Unify the pages with a colour or line: Karen suggested we paint a blue sky on the top half of all the pages and I found it a great idea.  As I wove pictures and journaling together, 'the blue sky' provided unity to the pages.  This can also be achieved with the use of a horizon line intermittently woven through your work or another colour splashed on each page.    

The Blue Sky seemed to unify the ideas and keep the flow

3. Build your pages piece by piece: When you're traveling things happen fast and you're on the go a lot.  Don't feel you  need to 'finish' a page in one sitting.  Have your book and supply kit with you and pull it out, whenever. Waiting for trains, friends, or dinner are great times to pull your book out and add a few things.  Zoom in and sketch what catches your eye, without worrying about other details.  I loved to capture the exotic rooflines of the buildings, so different from my surroundings.  Whether it is a panoramic view or the turrets of a castle, sketch what is important and leave the rest alone. 

Drew my village square in the afternoon and finished the painting the next day. (Note only some buildings are painted. )

4. Work ahead: Even if a page isn't finished, don't hesitate to work ahead.  Put your sketch or special collage where there's room.  You will find you can go back and fill spaces with your journal notes, special drawings or collage papers. 

Pages with a few things collaged

With the concertina pages flowing from one into the next, there really is no real border to mark where one page ends and another begins.  Things just merge from one to another.

Added a few notes and memorabilia to finish it up.

5. Enjoy the moment: Capture the 'essence of the moment'.  What really caught your eye?  What was key to that day's adventure.  
Last morning, Como Lake, Italy

It was a sad morning when I woke.  I was leaving Como Lake and Italy.  I looked out the window and saw the fresh snow on the mountains.  All was still below.  It reminded me of our mountains shining in the early morning light after a night of snow.  I had mixed feelings as I left.  This little sketch will always have special meaning for me.  

Sketching on the fly has it challenges but it is well worth the effort. Good luck with your adventures and have some fun 'capturing that moment'.  

Special Note: View my complete Italy sketchbook on YouTube HERE.  Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel to catch the Flip-Through of my Portugal Sketchbook.  It will be up there soon.  

Summers Here and Outdoor Sketching is in Full Swing!!!

Outdoor Sketching 2.5hr Classes this summer 2024 - Thursday, July 4 & 18
August 8 & 15, 10-12:30pm – 2.5 hr.  $60 Max. 3 per group.  Local parks in N Surrey & Langley 
Contact Wendy  to register.  I am available for private bookings as well. 
I look forward to being 'out sketching' with you.  

Original work, Commissions, Private Drawing Lessons, Prints and Cards of her Work, 

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Have a great Artful Day,

