Mar 27, 2014

This Little Lamb is "On His Own"!!

ON MY OWN - 8 x 10 - Graphite

This little lamb is all done and ready to show.  He definitely was an interesting project and taught me a lesson or two!!
My goal was to capture that look of curiosity but each time I got close to that look I found that I aged him. Drawing a young lamb is just like drawing a young child, the shadows and lines get a little sharp or dark and suddenly they aren't young any more.  This little fellow really put me to the test as I had to keep going back and soften my work.  If you compare the finished picture to my half finished picture from the last post, you will see what I mean.  Don't you wish that it was as easy for us, with a light touch of a kneaded erasure, we soften a line, lighten a shadow and suddenly we are younger looking again!
Well enjoy my little guy, he is off to check out new things and I am back to the drawing table.  I have been working on a few watercolours and which are really starting to take shape.  I should have something for you to see soon.
Have a great day,

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